Shipyard Bijela
Centre for Ecotoxicological Research has been given a new assignment, via tendering procedure – to perform testing of waste materials in the Shipyard Bijela. Our expert team immediately undertook the task and performed all actions required for taking samples which we will examine and later on present the results to our clients.
Shipyard Bijela is one of the major companies in Montenegro. Given its activity, the Shipyard is faced with a challenge how to deposit and treat its waste materials in the best way, to prevent any possible pollution of water, soil or air. That is the task that has been entrusted to us and we look forward to it. In order to reach best results, we have been prepared to provide the following services in the following order:
- Screening the situation – analysis of the terms of reference
- Sampling
- Laboratory testing of samples
- Laboratory analysis of sample segments
- Analysis of the results
- Preparation and presentation of results
- Suggestions for remediation of any pollution problem
Shipyard Bijela is of major importance and we have to give our best to get the job done at the level that all our customers so far have been accustomed to – and that means – the highest level of service – says Executive Director of CETI Nada Medenica.
Very soon we will inform you of the results of our work on the Shipyard Bijela project.