Final workshop of CAPS 2 project

The final workshop of the project “CAPS2- Strengthening Centers for Aquaculture production and Safety surveillance in Adriatic Cross-border Countries “(2nd. Ord./0216), co-funded by the European Union under the Cross Border Cooperation Program 2007-2013 IPA Adriatic Cross Border cooperation, took place in hotel Splendid, Becici on 21 June 2016.

Main topic of the workshop was “Safety and surveillance in the aquaculture sector: results and plans”, and goal was to present activities and results of project to all interested participants in Montenegro, and to encourage ideas about future initiatives between all interested sides in this sector.

Significant role in this workshop had Center for ecotoxicological research ahead with director of Laboratory Danijela Sukovic, who presented main activities of the project along with laboratory tests that were undertaken during the project. Based on the testing results there will be classification of the production area in categories in Boka kotorska bay.

Organizer of the workshop was Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development and Veterinary directorate. Also presentations were held by Specialist veterinary laboratory, Institute for marine biology and Croatian veterinary institute Split.

Producers from aquaculture sector were also present, and they brought up their suggestions and comments aiming to improve their capacities in the future. There is a need to continue dialogue between competent state services and producers with aim to define needs and possibilities for improving safety of aquaculture sector.


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Delegation from Spanish Association for Standardization and Certification (AENOR) visited CETI

Delegation from Spanish Association for Standardization and Certification was in a working visit at CETI ahead with Javier Munoz Ledesma – International Cooperation Director.

AENOR is a private non-profit organization  that was founded in 1986. Its activity contributes to improving the quality and competitiveness of companies, their products and services. They own 2 laboratories in Spain.

Guests had the opportunity to hear about main activites of CETI, certificates that CETI acquired, and there was also talk about cooperation in the future.

There was also word about situation on the market, competition and activities that CETI takes in order to stay sustainable and achieve positive results in business.

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