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- Initiating bottom-up management solutions to reduce plastic waste in the Danube Basin -AQUATIC PLASTIC (Danube Interreg – (2024 -))
- Coordinated Danube Action for the titanic endeavor of tackling hazardous substances water pollution under changing pressures, challenges and targets – TETHYS (Danube Interreg – (2024 -))
- BEST Waste Management Cooperation project- Better Environmental Sustainability Through Waste Management Cooperation (IPA CBC Serbia Montenegro – (2023- ))
- “Review and Update of the National Implementation Plan under the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants, (GEF (2023-))
- Prepare an assessment on the contamination of the harbor beds with PCBs and mercury, and its risks assessment at Tivat Bay and Risan Harbour in Montenegro (Small Scale Funding Agreement – UNEP/MAP-GEF- 2023-2024))
- Skadar Lake withOut chemicaL pollUTION – SOLUTION”, IPA Cross Border MNE – Al 2014-2020, (2020-2023)
- “Tackling hazardous substances pollution in the Danube River Basin by Measuring, Modelling-based Management and Capacity building”, Interreg Danube Transnational Programme (2020-2023)
- “Triticum spelta L. extract as food supplement – SPELTEX”, Ministry of science Montenegro (2019-2021)
- “Establishment of a Center of Excellence for Biomedical Research” (CEBIMER), Ministry of science Montenegro (2019-2022)
- “Strengthening Technical and Institutional Capacities of the National Reference Laboratory for Food and Feed Control – MNE2016003”, IAEA (2019-2020)
- “Support to Implementation and Monitoring of Water Management in Montenegro”, EU, (2019-2020)
- “Screening of Chemical Indicators and Molecular Biomarkers in Shellfish and Fish with Application in Medicine and Pharmacology – ShellMED”, Ministry of science Montenegro (2019)
- “Assessment of iodine status, development and standardization of prevention program in Montenegro”- Ministry of science Montenegro (2019-2020)
- “Comprehensive Environmentally Sound Management of PCBs in Montenegro”,UNDP (2018-2020)
- „Review and update of the national implementation plan for the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs)“ in Montenegro, UNEP (2016-2018)
- „Minamata initial assessment for Montenegro”, UNDP (2016-2018)
- „Chemical Leasing for sound chemicals management in South-Eastern Europe” UNIDO (2016-2017)
- „Capacity strengthening in Montenegro in the event of incidents at sea“, Norwegian Ministry of foreign affairs (2014-2016)
- EC-IPA „Strengthening of Centres for Aquaculture Production and Safety Surveillance in Adriatic Cross-Border Countries “–CAPS2 (2014 – 2016)
- EC-IPA Management of Sealed Radioactive Sources, including Radioactive Lightning Rods (2012-2013)
- Raising the technical and institutional capacity in the field of environmental monitoring, IAEA (2012-2014)
- Strengthening the capacity and establishing effective monitoring systems for residues in food, and in the area of air quality, IAEA (2009-2012)
- Construction of laboratory facilities of the Dioxins Centre, IAEA (2007-2010)
- Disposal of low and medium hazardous radioactive waste in Montenegro, IAEA (2007-2010);
- RER8012 Isotope Methods for Management of Drinking Water Resources in Water Scarcity Areas (2007-2010)
- RER1006 Nuclear Techniques for the Protection of Cultural Heritage Artefacts in the Mediterranean Region (2005-2009)