Press conference regarding completion of the Project “Capacity strengthening in Montenegro in the event of incidents at sea”

On October 26 2016, final press conference was held regarding successful completion of the Project “Capacity strengthening in Montenegro in the event of incidents at sea” which was financed by Ministry of foreign affairs, Kingdom of Norway.  Project is worth 2 600 000 NOK or 260 000 EUR.

Environmental protection, including sea, has a special importance and it is one of the main problems globally. Rapid development of nautical and cruise tourism in Montenegro increases the risk for various types of incidents at sea.

Montenegro has established legal and institutional framework and National plan for emergency response in case of marine pollution from vessels and defined response system in case of oil spills, as well as role and responsibility of competent authorities and institutions.

Objective of the Project was to contribute strengthening of professional and technical capacities of the important factors in the in the implementation of the National Plan for emergency response in case of marine pollution from vessels.  On that way risk of possible spread of pollution caused by incident is reduced.

Project coordinator is Center for ecotoxicological research LLC – CETI. CETI carried out all procurement, organized trainings for other institutions for sampling in cooperation with partners on the project, organized training in the reference center in EU and coordinated all planned project activities.

Partners in the project were:

  • Maritime Safety Administration and the Port Authority of Bar and Kotor – Ministry of Transportation and Maritime Affairs
  • Department of border security, maritime police – Police Directorate – Ministry of Internal Affairs

In the implementation of the project were also included Navy of Montenegro and Environmental protection agency (EPA).

Within this project equipment for laboratory testing grades of oil was purchased, as well as other chemical agents, standard reference materials and chemicals, equipment for sampling and analysis in the field, and dispersants (liquid mixture of agents that act on the surface of one or more organic solvents and which are specially formulated for the promotion of natural dispersion of oil in the water column by reducing the interfacial tension between oil and water).

In order to strengthen the professional capacity of relevant institutions workshop was organized for the participants of the project in a reference center in the EU (Great Britain). Also CETI has organized training in Kotor harbor master’s office regarding presentation of field equipment – equipment for sampling and measurement of pollution and training for managing the equipment.

Main results of the project are better professional and technical qualifications of institutions in Montenegro for intervention in the case of sea pollution from oil, and which is particularly important strengthened inter-institutional cooperation.

Executive Director Nada Medenica thanked donator, Ministry of foreign affairs, Kingdom of Norway for understanding the needs of Montenegro and countries institutions in resolving problems in the area of environment and for the second time given confidence to Center for ecotoxicological research. She also expressed gratitude towards partners for quality cooperation and successfully completed activities of the project with desire that this project may be basis for future projects and future cooperation in the area of protection of the sea from pollution.

Awarded certificate Excellent SME

Center for ecotoxicological research has received Excellent SME certificate. Certificate is awarded by Chamber of commerce Montenegro in cooperation with credit reporting agency Coface, for business results and business excellence of small and medium companies in Montenegro.

Basis for issuing of the certificate is credit report and regular monitoring from credit reporting agency Coface.

Chamber of commerce Montenegro has decided to, using tested internet technology SafeSigned™, invite all good small and medium enterprises from Montenegro to apply for this certificate, and by doing this help to improve quality of there companies.

There is a project in progress to connect carriers of Excellent SME certificate, which is in a final phase, where it will be enabled cooperation of best companies from the region (Slovenia, Macedonia, Romania, Italy) as well as Great Britain.

Verified certificated can be view at this link.


Expert visit of GIZ representatives

Center for ecotoxicological research hosted a expert visit of GIZ representatives, within project CSBL regarding preservation of biodiversity of Skadar lake. Mr. Nicolaus Fleischmann, expert for priority hazard supstances in surface waters, sediment and biota of Skadar lake, and ms. Jelena Perunicic project manager are representatives from GIZ.

GIZ expert Mr. Nicolaus Fleischmann was in a two day visit in Montenegro with aim to meet all accredited laboratories in order to analyse their capacities, and with all institutions and individuals which carried out so far researches of priority hazard supstances in surface waters, sediment and/or biota of Skadar lake.

Mr. Fleischmann was informed about all activities of CETI, and about all research of surface waters and sediment which were carried out by CETI. He also visited Laboratory and expressed very positive opinion about expert and technical capacities of CETI.

It was agreed that CETI will send all previous research results regarding surface waters and sediment, that are relevant to this project.