Renewal of accreditation

Center for Eco-Toxicological Research has successfully renewed accreditation and again confirmed its competence in all fields of research in which it has authorization.

Certificate of accreditation can be found on following link.

Final conference of CAPS2 project

The final conference of the project “CAPS2- Strengthening Centres for Aquaculture production and Safety surveillance in Adriatic Cross-border Countries “(2nd. Ord./0216), co-funded by the European Union under the Cross Border Cooperation Programme 2007-2013 IPA Adriatic Cross Border cooperation, took place in Split, Croatia on 5 May 2016.

This EU project, started in October 2012 and concluding on 30 June 2016, aims to contribute to the improvement of safety and surveillance of aquaculture products in the Adriatic, through the execution of various project components: the training of partner laboratories on different diagnostic methods for the detection of chemical contaminants, microbiological, bio toxins and viruses according to European Union legislation, the acquisition of specific diagnostic equipment and tools, the application of GIS systems and surveillance plans and risk analysis.

The project partners, coming from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Italy and Montenegro, cooperate in order to achieve the overall objective which is to promote the adoption of harmonised diagnostic strategies, planning and surveillance tools and risk analysis in the aquaculture sector.

Representatives of the partner institutions, including representatives of the Center for Ecotoxicological Research – Podgorica, met in Split for the final conference of the CAPS2 project with the aim to present and discuss the project activities, disseminate main results and encourage the dialogue between partners and other stakeholders of the sector, in view of potential future opportunities for cooperation in the Adriatic area.


Inspectors from International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) visited CETI

On April 28 2016 inspection of CETI was performed by inspectors of International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).

Inspectors checked CETI buildings (Laboratory), Storage for radioactive waste and all relevant documentation.