
Beginning of the implementation of project “Installation of analytical methods for the determination of organic pollutants required of the Water Framework Directive 2013/39/EU”

Faculty of Chemical and Food Technology, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava (STUBA) and the Center for Ecotoxicological Research Podgorica (CETI) have started work on the implementation of the project entitled “Installation of analytical methods for the determination of organic pollutants required of the Water Framework Directive 2013/39/EU at the Center for Eco-Toxicological Research in Podgorica”. The transfer of knowledge and skills through trainings that will be conducted in the laboratories of the University of Bratislava and the Center for Ecotoxicological Research will significantly contribute to strengthening the professional capacity of CETI, all with the aim of adequate implementation of the Water Framework Directive in Montenegro.

CETI is recognized as a key institution in Montenegro when it comes to analysis of priority substances in water, sediment and biota, and any contribution (especially from a renowned institution such as the Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava) to strengthening professional capacity is of great importance. This was pointed out by the Executive Director of CETI, Mr. Vidoje Petričić at the meeting of the CETI management with Ms. Ing. Andrea Machyňákovom, PhD. (project manager and expert responsible for the development of analytical methods, measurement procedures and implementation of analytical methods) and Mr. Ivan Špánik PhD (financial project manager and Expert responsible for the installation of analytical methods and data evaluation) held on 31.08.2021 in CETI.

In addition to the explanation by the guests from Slovakia on how the trainings will be realized, the discussion continued in the direction of identifying new project ideas. In that sense, it was concluded that having in mind the wide field of research of both CETI and the Faculty of Chemical and Food Technology there is enough space for continued cooperation in the future.

The project is funded by SlovakAid – Official Development Assistance of the Slovak Republic under the Contract No. SAMRS / 2020 / WB / 1/4. The total Project costs are 86.780,00 EUR, of which EUR 24,290 is planned for the implementation of CETI activities.

Chamber of Economy Montenegro awarded Center for Eco-Toxicological Research for successful business in 2016.

Chamber of Economy awarded most successful companies in 2016., on the ceremony that was held at Vila Gorica on 21 April 2017. Ceremony was held on the Day of Chamber, and awards were handed by president of Montenegro, Filip Vujanovic.

CETI won award for successful business in 2016, and in the name of CETI award received  executive director Nada Medenica.

President of Montenegro congratulated to all laureates, recognized in this award their hard and successful work, and stated to continue hard work in the future and be good example for others to follow.

According to him 2016 was a year in which businesses operated and created economic growth of Montenegro, with increase of GDP by 2.5%, in globally and regionally unfavorable conditions.

President of the Chamber of Economy, Velimir Mijuskovic said that Award of this business association is most important and unique recognition in the field of economy, which dates as far back as 1969. Speaking about laureates president said that Center for Eco-Toxicological Research profiled into renowned expert internationally recognized laboratory. Respecting the highest standards of quality, which are used in business, CETI is carrier of many international projects. Achieved results by indicators that are defined as criteria for Award for successful business, show that CETI is company with exceptional perfomances.

CETI is very proud for this exceptional award which represents the crown of successful work in 20 years since the establishment of our institution. It is important because Chamber of Economy, as an oldest and largest business association in Montenegro, recognized quality and good result of CETI and awarded us this prestigious award for successful business. Award fills us with pleasure and commitment at the same time. It commits us to do our work of control and protection, professionally and responsibly with reliability and quality which are referent for all the institutions such as ours, in the EU.


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Celebration regarding 20 years since the establishment of Centre for ecotoxicological research – CETI

Formal ceremony of the celebration 20 years since the establishment of Centre for ecotoxicological research – CETI was held at “Imanje Knjaz”.

In these 20 years, CETI is institution recognized, in the region and beyond, on its expert and reliable analyses. All these years CETI was able to justify the trust, gain and keep the status as a reliable partner to institutions in Montenegro and beyond, as well as to be one of the most important factors in the area of environment and food safety.

On the formal ceremony, minister of sustainable development and tourism Pavle Radulovic addressed the guests, along with executive director of CETI – Nada Medenica and president of the Board of directors Ana Misurovic. Among the guests there were present many officials from countries institutions, universities, business partners and friends of CETI.

During the formal ceremony there were read official greeting letters from prime minister and president of Montenegro, and officials from International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). Short movie about 20 years of CETI was shown, as well as performances of children from the choir of school for musical talents “Andre Navarra” and young talented guitarist Vedran Galicic.

After the formal ceremony of the celebration dinner was organized.

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Representatives from Kingdom of Norway embassy visited CETI

Delegation from Kingdom of Norway embassy visited CETI with aim to follow up on implementation of projects which are financed through bilateral cooperation between Kingdom of Norway and Montenegro. Delegation was lead by Mari Timenes Nordmo with colleagues Nela Jović and Sondre Hansen Eriksen.

Representatives from embassy were informed about activities and results of the project “Capacity strengthening in Montenegro in the event of incidents at sea”, whose implementation is finishing soon.

Also meeting attended representatives from Ministry of economy, Ministry of transportation and maritime (Directorate for maritime transportation and Maritime Safety Administration) and Environmental Protection Agency which are counterparts in the project.


Renewal of accreditation

Center for Eco-Toxicological Research has successfully renewed accreditation and again confirmed its competence in all fields of research in which it has authorization.

Certificate of accreditation can be found on following link.

Final conference of CAPS2 project

The final conference of the project “CAPS2- Strengthening Centres for Aquaculture production and Safety surveillance in Adriatic Cross-border Countries “(2nd. Ord./0216), co-funded by the European Union under the Cross Border Cooperation Programme 2007-2013 IPA Adriatic Cross Border cooperation, took place in Split, Croatia on 5 May 2016.

This EU project, started in October 2012 and concluding on 30 June 2016, aims to contribute to the improvement of safety and surveillance of aquaculture products in the Adriatic, through the execution of various project components: the training of partner laboratories on different diagnostic methods for the detection of chemical contaminants, microbiological, bio toxins and viruses according to European Union legislation, the acquisition of specific diagnostic equipment and tools, the application of GIS systems and surveillance plans and risk analysis.

The project partners, coming from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Italy and Montenegro, cooperate in order to achieve the overall objective which is to promote the adoption of harmonised diagnostic strategies, planning and surveillance tools and risk analysis in the aquaculture sector.

Representatives of the partner institutions, including representatives of the Center for Ecotoxicological Research – Podgorica, met in Split for the final conference of the CAPS2 project with the aim to present and discuss the project activities, disseminate main results and encourage the dialogue between partners and other stakeholders of the sector, in view of potential future opportunities for cooperation in the Adriatic area.


Inspectors from International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) visited CETI

On April 28 2016 inspection of CETI was performed by inspectors of International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).

Inspectors checked CETI buildings (Laboratory), Storage for radioactive waste and all relevant documentation.

Representatives of “Albanian Institute for Applied Nuclear Physics (IANP)” visited CETI

Delegation from “Albanian Institute for Applied Nuclear Physics (IANP)” was in a working visit today at CETI. Four member delegation was lead by director of Institute ms. Elida Bylyku.

Initiator and organizer of the visit was EXBS (Export Control and Related Border Security) program of US government.

The goal of the visit was to discuss and exchange experiences about the field of protection against ionizing radiation. During the visit, there was a discussion about many subjects and colleagues from Albania were explained how system for radiation protection in Montenegro works with accent on the role that CETI has in the system.

Topics that were covered:

  • Overview and description of the equipment and capabilities of the CETI Laboratory.
  • Organization and implementation of the Program of monitoring radioactivity in the environment.
  • A system for radioactive waste management in Montenegro.
  • A description of the control of level of radioactive contamination of goods and objects in imports and exports.
  • The experience CETI has in the field of decontamination of the environment with emphasis on experience in decontamination of depleted uranium.
  • Exposure controls of persons working in the ionizing radiation zones in Montenegro – personal dosimetry control.
  • Quality control in the field of application of ionizing radiation in medicine and non-medical applications.

Our experience has been highly valued by our Albanian colleagues and a common conclusion was that the visit was very successful and that both sides hope that this was only the beginning of a successful and mutually beneficial cooperation.

Both sides expressed their interest for continuation of cooperation, especially because of many topics that are interesting for both sides.

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The official award of NATO Commercial and Government Entity Code

2 July 2015

Center for EcotoxicologicalResearch (CETI) was awarded NCAGE Code in March this year. Delegation of the Material Management Centre of the Ministry of Defence of Albania paid a visit to the Directorate for Standardization and Codification of the Ministry of Defence of Montenegro, and this opportunity was also used for a working visit to CETI and the official award of the certificate.

The head of the Directorate Col. Marinko Aleksic presented,on behalf of the Ministry of Defence, the CETI director Nada Medenica the certificate of the assigned NCAGE Code. The CETIdirector Nada Medenica, with her team, presented the capacities and references of the Centre and pointed out successful cooperation with the Ministry of Defence and positive results in activities related to emergency situations. Guests from Albania showed great interest in cooperation of chemical laboratories of the Ministry of Defence of Albania with CETI. Colonel Dr. Marinko Aleksic presented to the CETI members the opportunities offered arising from the presence of companies in the database of the NATO codification system.

The CETI director underlined that this certification is yet another in a series of certificate sheld by CETI and that it is all the proof of fulfilment of high standards required in this area, both in civil affairs and in activities related to defence.

Regulations and practices in the field of measuring emissions from stationary sources

Montenegrin Chamber of Economy and Ministry of Sustainable Development and Tourism organized the Round table ”Regulations and practices in the field of measuring emissions from stationary sources”. Co-organizer of the Round table was Center for Eco-Toxicological Research- only accredited laboratory for measuring emission in Montenegro. Director of Laboratory Danijela Sukovic presented: CETIs experiences in measuring emissions in Montenegro.
