IAEA expert mission visit

Centre for Eco-Toxicological Research hosted IAEA expert mission, which was organized by Ministry of sustainable development and tourism within the cooperation with International atomic energy agency (IAEA).

Within the expert mission, CETI hosted a visit from mrs.  Vasiliki Kamenopoulou, Technical officer on the national project MNE 9006 „Improvement of the regulatory infrastructure in the field of nuclear and radiation safety” and Tamara Djurovic  – Head of Department for Air and Noise Protection in the Ministry for sustainable development and tourism.

Director of Sector for laboratory diagnostics and radiation protection, Danijela Sukovic, presented CETI as a institution, scope of activities and role of CETI in realization of monitoring programs and management of warehouse for radioactive waste.

Nikola Svrkota, Head of the unit for dosimetric and noise measurement, introduced the guests with equipment which CETI owns in the area of radiation protection and competency of units which deal with work in that area.

Ms. Tamara Djurovic  informed everyone about the project and planned activities, while mrs. Kamenopoulou gave a short review about her task and obligations on this expert mission and in general on the project. Special attention was paid to the equipment requested through the project as well as technical specifications of equipment. Possibility for education of personnel through the project was presented, and large number of visits, trainings etc. which are foreseen in the project.

Ms. Kamenopoulou visited CETI Laboratory, as well as warehouse for radioactive waste, and expressed her pleasure regarding good cooperation between Ministry and CETI, and about all capacities of CETI.

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