CETI and CRBC signed the Agreement on Business and Technical Cooperation on 18.th September 2015.

“Center for Eco -Toxicological Research – Podgorica” represented by CEO, Nada Medenica, and “China Road and Bridge Corporation Montenegro branch” – CRBC, represented by General Manager Gao Liang, signed the Agreement aiming to create the best conditions for cooperation in future in accordance with relevant regulations, good business practices, business ethics, all in the manner and under the terms of this agreement. All the activities will be realized in line with national and european legislation.

This Agreement is the base for future cooperation and contracting in the wide field of analysis of environmental samples, waste samples, exchange of knowledge and experiences in the fields of cooperation.Cooperation will be performed by mutual engagement of certain profiles of scientific and technical personnel, as well as resources.

Workshop 5-11th September, Great Britain- Dispersant Familiarization Program within the Project “Capacity strenghtening in Montenegro in the event of the sea incidents“ (Project financed by the Kingdom of Norway-Royal Ministry of Foreign Affairs )

As the coordinator of the Project CETI organized this workshop in cooperation with Lamor Corporation, Great Britain, with objective to take the representatives from the regulatory and operational institution within Montenegro and make them familiar with the use of dispersants so they develop expertise to be able to implement the use of Dispersants as a spill response tool in Montenegro.

Participant of the workshop – representatives of CETI, Environment Protection Agency-EPA, Maritime Safety Department, Harbor Masters Office Kotor, Harbor Masters Office Bar, Montenegrin Navy and Ministry of Internal Affairs – Maritime Border Police.

The United Kingdom Government’s primary response strategy in the case or major oil spill is the application of dispersants. The Global Oil Industry base for oil spill response equipment is located in Southampton with its dispersant stockpile and the organizations regulating and advising on the use of dispersants are located in London.

The workshop was held by the Lamor Corporation whose representative has experience in this field and who is accredited by the Nautical Institute on behalf of the Maritime and Coastguard Agency of the United Kingdom to deliver MCA, IMO and DECC Training in all areas of Oil Spill Response. The program consisted of both theoretical and practical elements.

Good practice guidelines for dispersant use were presented by the experts from International Petroleum Industry Environmental and Conservation Association.

Practical experience in Dispersant use in real incidents was presented by the experts from International Tankers Owners Pollution Federation.

Practical day, visit to the Southampton area of the south coast of UK and presentation by experts of Maritime and Coastguard Agency of the United Kingdom was the opportunity for Montenegrin team to see the illustration of the set up and operation of United Kingdom dispersant policy. Visit to and Presentation of Oil Spill Response Limited to see the largest industry Oil Spill Base and the dispersant stockpile, and also to Dasic Limited maker of dispersant to see the manufacturing process of dispersants, was organized.

Participants were introduced with types of Dispersant and Equipment choices and importance and content of Net Environment Benefit Analysis NEBA in the use of dispersants.

The workshop will contribute to better professional and technical capabilities of institutions in Montenegro for intervention in case of pollution by oil derivatives and very much to the strengthening of inter-institutional cooperation.

The official award of NATO Commercial and Government Entity Code

2 July 2015

Center for EcotoxicologicalResearch (CETI) was awarded NCAGE Code in March this year. Delegation of the Material Management Centre of the Ministry of Defence of Albania paid a visit to the Directorate for Standardization and Codification of the Ministry of Defence of Montenegro, and this opportunity was also used for a working visit to CETI and the official award of the certificate.

The head of the Directorate Col. Marinko Aleksic presented,on behalf of the Ministry of Defence, the CETI director Nada Medenica the certificate of the assigned NCAGE Code. The CETIdirector Nada Medenica, with her team, presented the capacities and references of the Centre and pointed out successful cooperation with the Ministry of Defence and positive results in activities related to emergency situations. Guests from Albania showed great interest in cooperation of chemical laboratories of the Ministry of Defence of Albania with CETI. Colonel Dr. Marinko Aleksic presented to the CETI members the opportunities offered arising from the presence of companies in the database of the NATO codification system.

The CETI director underlined that this certification is yet another in a series of certificate sheld by CETI and that it is all the proof of fulfilment of high standards required in this area, both in civil affairs and in activities related to defence.

Regulations and practices in the field of measuring emissions from stationary sources

Montenegrin Chamber of Economy and Ministry of Sustainable Development and Tourism organized the Round table ”Regulations and practices in the field of measuring emissions from stationary sources”. Co-organizer of the Round table was Center for Eco-Toxicological Research- only accredited laboratory for measuring emission in Montenegro. Director of Laboratory Danijela Sukovic presented: CETIs experiences in measuring emissions in Montenegro.

More:  http://www.privrednakomora.me/saopstenja/regulativa-i-praksa-u-oblasti-mjerenja-emisija-iz-stacionarnih-izvora

NATO codification for CETI

Having NCAGE entity code CETI has joined list of 74 companies from Montenegro and is now having a chance for cooperation with clients from countries users of NATO MASTER Catalog .

25.05.2015. Round table in the Chamber of Commerce of Montenegro- NATO cod- chance for profit:


The new Project has been started

Press release (press conference, 24.04.2015)

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Representatives of the Royal of Foreign Affairs (Norway) visited realized and actual project in Montenegro

The Project ”Strengthening capacities for the implementation of the monitoring of emission of pollution from the stationary sources” (86 965 EUR) has been successful finalized  and it was good opportunity to see the interlaboratory measurements  on the site( power plant of AS Plantaze-Podgorica) realized by CETI and Institute for safety, quality and environmental protection and health 27. January Nis.

The team of CETI presented the status and future activities within the new Project ”Capacity strenghtening in Montenegro in the event of incidents at sea”(293.035 EUR) donation from Bilateral  Program 2014.


Voluntary blood donation

CETI and the Blood Transfusion Institute in Podgorica have organized a voluntary blood donation campaign today.

In the period from 8-11 h, twenty-two (22) units of precious liquid have been collected in the premises of CETI.

Giving blood with the intention to help those who may need it and that to be sure that there is always enough blood for all whose health depends on it, the CETI employees wanted to give an example and motivate citizens to support and participate in voluntary blood donation since  donating blood is an indicator of humanity and social responsibility.

Management of Sealed Radioactive Sources, Including Radioactive Lightning Rods – IPA 2009

For those who are interested in more detailed information about the project in which CETI participated successfully and which concerns the removal and storage of radioactive lightning rods in Montenegro, we provided a brochure that can be downloaded:  Management of sealed radioactive sources, including radioactive lightning rods – IPA 2009

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Compliments for the Project

Montenegro has won praise for the successfully done job of removal and storage of spent radioactive sources.

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