Final workshop of CAPS 2 project

The final workshop of the project “CAPS2- Strengthening Centers for Aquaculture production and Safety surveillance in Adriatic Cross-border Countries “(2nd. Ord./0216), co-funded by the European Union under the Cross Border Cooperation Program 2007-2013 IPA Adriatic Cross Border cooperation, took place in hotel Splendid, Becici on 21 June 2016.

Main topic of the workshop was “Safety and surveillance in the aquaculture sector: results and plans”, and goal was to present activities and results of project to all interested participants in Montenegro, and to encourage ideas about future initiatives between all interested sides in this sector.

Significant role in this workshop had Center for ecotoxicological research ahead with director of Laboratory Danijela Sukovic, who presented main activities of the project along with laboratory tests that were undertaken during the project. Based on the testing results there will be classification of the production area in categories in Boka kotorska bay.

Organizer of the workshop was Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development and Veterinary directorate. Also presentations were held by Specialist veterinary laboratory, Institute for marine biology and Croatian veterinary institute Split.

Producers from aquaculture sector were also present, and they brought up their suggestions and comments aiming to improve their capacities in the future. There is a need to continue dialogue between competent state services and producers with aim to define needs and possibilities for improving safety of aquaculture sector.


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Delegation from Spanish Association for Standardization and Certification (AENOR) visited CETI

Delegation from Spanish Association for Standardization and Certification was in a working visit at CETI ahead with Javier Munoz Ledesma – International Cooperation Director.

AENOR is a private non-profit organization  that was founded in 1986. Its activity contributes to improving the quality and competitiveness of companies, their products and services. They own 2 laboratories in Spain.

Guests had the opportunity to hear about main activites of CETI, certificates that CETI acquired, and there was also talk about cooperation in the future.

There was also word about situation on the market, competition and activities that CETI takes in order to stay sustainable and achieve positive results in business.

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Renewal of accreditation

Center for Eco-Toxicological Research has successfully renewed accreditation and again confirmed its competence in all fields of research in which it has authorization.

Certificate of accreditation can be found on following link.

Final conference of CAPS2 project

The final conference of the project “CAPS2- Strengthening Centres for Aquaculture production and Safety surveillance in Adriatic Cross-border Countries “(2nd. Ord./0216), co-funded by the European Union under the Cross Border Cooperation Programme 2007-2013 IPA Adriatic Cross Border cooperation, took place in Split, Croatia on 5 May 2016.

This EU project, started in October 2012 and concluding on 30 June 2016, aims to contribute to the improvement of safety and surveillance of aquaculture products in the Adriatic, through the execution of various project components: the training of partner laboratories on different diagnostic methods for the detection of chemical contaminants, microbiological, bio toxins and viruses according to European Union legislation, the acquisition of specific diagnostic equipment and tools, the application of GIS systems and surveillance plans and risk analysis.

The project partners, coming from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Italy and Montenegro, cooperate in order to achieve the overall objective which is to promote the adoption of harmonised diagnostic strategies, planning and surveillance tools and risk analysis in the aquaculture sector.

Representatives of the partner institutions, including representatives of the Center for Ecotoxicological Research – Podgorica, met in Split for the final conference of the CAPS2 project with the aim to present and discuss the project activities, disseminate main results and encourage the dialogue between partners and other stakeholders of the sector, in view of potential future opportunities for cooperation in the Adriatic area.


Inspectors from International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) visited CETI

On April 28 2016 inspection of CETI was performed by inspectors of International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).

Inspectors checked CETI buildings (Laboratory), Storage for radioactive waste and all relevant documentation.

Representatives of “Albanian Institute for Applied Nuclear Physics (IANP)” visited CETI

Delegation from “Albanian Institute for Applied Nuclear Physics (IANP)” was in a working visit today at CETI. Four member delegation was lead by director of Institute ms. Elida Bylyku.

Initiator and organizer of the visit was EXBS (Export Control and Related Border Security) program of US government.

The goal of the visit was to discuss and exchange experiences about the field of protection against ionizing radiation. During the visit, there was a discussion about many subjects and colleagues from Albania were explained how system for radiation protection in Montenegro works with accent on the role that CETI has in the system.

Topics that were covered:

  • Overview and description of the equipment and capabilities of the CETI Laboratory.
  • Organization and implementation of the Program of monitoring radioactivity in the environment.
  • A system for radioactive waste management in Montenegro.
  • A description of the control of level of radioactive contamination of goods and objects in imports and exports.
  • The experience CETI has in the field of decontamination of the environment with emphasis on experience in decontamination of depleted uranium.
  • Exposure controls of persons working in the ionizing radiation zones in Montenegro – personal dosimetry control.
  • Quality control in the field of application of ionizing radiation in medicine and non-medical applications.

Our experience has been highly valued by our Albanian colleagues and a common conclusion was that the visit was very successful and that both sides hope that this was only the beginning of a successful and mutually beneficial cooperation.

Both sides expressed their interest for continuation of cooperation, especially because of many topics that are interesting for both sides.

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CETI and CRBC signed the Agreement on Business and Technical Cooperation on September 2015.

“Center for Eco -Toxicological Research – Podgorica” represented by CEO, Nada Medenica, and “China Road and Bridge Corporation Montenegro branch” – CRBC, represented by General Manager Gao Liang, signed the Agreement aiming to create the best conditions for cooperation in future in accordance with relevant regulations, good business practices, business ethics, all in the manner and under the terms of this agreement. All the activities will be realized in line with national and european legislation.

This Agreement is the base for future cooperation and contracting in the wide field of analysis of environmental samples, waste samples, exchange of knowledge and experiences in the fields of cooperation.Cooperation will be performed by mutual engagement of certain profiles of scientific and technical personnel, as well as resources.

Workshop 5-11th September, Great Britain- Dispersant Familiarization Program within the Project “Capacity strenghtening in Montenegro in the event of the sea incidents“ (Project financed by the Kingdom of Norway-Royal Ministry of Foreign Affairs )

As the coordinator of the Project CETI organized this workshop in cooperation with Lamor Corporation, Great Britain, with objective to take the representatives from the regulatory and operational institution within Montenegro and make them familiar with the use of dispersants so they develop expertise to be able to implement the use of Dispersants as a spill response tool in Montenegro.

Participant of the workshop – representatives of CETI, Environment Protection Agency-EPA, Maritime Safety Department, Harbor Masters Office Kotor, Harbor Masters Office Bar, Montenegrin Navy and Ministry of Internal Affairs – Maritime Border Police.

The United Kingdom Government’s primary response strategy in the case or major oil spill is the application of dispersants. The Global Oil Industry base for oil spill response equipment is located in Southampton with its dispersant stockpile and the organizations regulating and advising on the use of dispersants are located in London.

The workshop was held by the Lamor Corporation whose representative has experience in this field and who is accredited by the Nautical Institute on behalf of the Maritime and Coastguard Agency of the United Kingdom to deliver MCA, IMO and DECC Training in all areas of Oil Spill Response. The program consisted of both theoretical and practical elements.

Good practice guidelines for dispersant use were presented by the experts from International Petroleum Industry Environmental and Conservation Association.

Practical experience in Dispersant use in real incidents was presented by the experts from International Tankers Owners Pollution Federation.

Practical day, visit to the Southampton area of the south coast of UK and presentation by experts of Maritime and Coastguard Agency of the United Kingdom was the opportunity for Montenegrin team to see the illustration of the set up and operation of United Kingdom dispersant policy. Visit to and Presentation of Oil Spill Response Limited to see the largest industry Oil Spill Base and the dispersant stockpile, and also to Dasic Limited maker of dispersant to see the manufacturing process of dispersants, was organized.

Participants were introduced with types of Dispersant and Equipment choices and importance and content of Net Environment Benefit Analysis NEBA in the use of dispersants.

The workshop will contribute to better professional and technical capabilities of institutions in Montenegro for intervention in case of pollution by oil derivatives and very much to the strengthening of inter-institutional cooperation.