The 1st Danube Hazard m3c newsletter presenting the project overview and the progress of activities conducted in the period between July and December 2020 is available here .
The 1st Danube Hazard m3c newsletter presenting the project overview and the progress of activities conducted in the period between July and December 2020 is available here .
Tackling hazardous substances pollution in the Danube River Basin by Measuring, Modelling-based Management and Capacity building.
According to the EU Water Framework Directive, hazardous substances (HS) pollution is a major water quality issue to be tackled in the Danube River Basin (DRB). This also applies to non-EU Member States, which committed to pursue similar goals within the International Commission for the Protection of the Danube River (ICPDR). Despite a significant risk of failing to achieve such goals, this topic is heavily underrepresented in the current DRB District Management Plan (DRBMP) and national plans, mostly owing to substantial knowledge gaps and to the lack of system understanding as well as institutional capacity regarding HS emissions pathways and effective management options.
The project aims to achieve a durable and effective transnational control and reduction of HS water pollution. It contributes to the DTP objective of strengthening joint and integrated approaches to preserve and manage the diversity of natural assets in the Danube region and to the targets of Priority Area 4 of the EU Strategy for the Danube Region. Danube Hazard m3c builds on the three elements of water governance (measuring, modelling and management) complemented by capacity building. Specifically, the project aims to improve the knowledge and understanding of the status quo of HS water pollution in the DRB, by integrating and harmonizing available existing data of HS concentration levels and by modelling emissions at catchment scale in pilot regions. Though not being the main focus of the project, targeted measurement campaigns must be carried out to fill critical gaps needed to provide a robust basis for modelling and management. A further goal is to enhance the transnational management of HS water pollution, through: i) coordinated prioritization of transnational measures with consideration of territorial needs, pursued through basin-wide emission modelling, assessment of management scenarios and elaboration of recommendations for the DRBMP and ii) tailor-made training activities.
Project duration is 30 months (01.07.2020.-31.12.2022.).
For more and up to date information about the project please visit http://www.interreg-danube.eu/approved-projects/danube-hazard-m3c .
Project is co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI).
Representatives of CETI, Jelena Resetar and Vladimir Zivkovic participated in 1st EFSA Scientific Network on Chemical Monitoring Data collection meeting, organized by European Food Safety Authority – EFSA in Parma (Italy).
Subject of the meeting was gathering results of food and feed analysis on the presence of pesticide residues, residues of veterinary drugs, contaminants and additives.
Meeting was attended by representatives of EU member states, candidate countries for EU membership, EU referent laboratories for analysis of certain groups of substances and Directorate General for Health and Food Safety (DG Sante).
Representative of CETI, dr Nikola Svrkota – Head of dosimetric and noise measurement unit, took a part in Coordination meeting on outcomes and findings of the TC regional project RER9140 and its resulting implication for the RER9149, held in Greek Atomic Energy Commission (EEAE) from 28 to 30 January 2019.
The purpose of the event is to assess the progress and evaluate the findings of the closing TC regional project RER9140 “Strengthening Protection of Radiation Workers and Occupational Exposure Monitoring” as well as to identify its resulting implications and priority areas for the succeeding TC regional project RER9149 “Improving the Radiation Protection of Workers Occupationally Exposed to Ionizing Radiation” and plan the new project’s activities for the period of 2019-2022
In the period from 6-th to 10-th November IAEA expert mission was held, which was organized by Ministry of sustainable development and CETI. Within the mission there were 3 experts:
IAEA experts were hosted by representatives of CETI, Nikola Svrkota – Head of dosimetric and noise measurement unit and Tomislav Andjelic – Head of radionuclide analysis unit.
CETI was a host of mission, in cooperation with Ministry of sustainable development and tourism, whose aim was consultation on further activities on location where remains of airplane engines are located, and making of Decommission plan and/or revision of current decommission plan of radioactive waste warehouse.
Fifth International science conference RAD 2017, on which representatives from CETI participated, was held at Budva from 12-16 June. Conference was about radiation and applications in various fields of research. This is a fifth conference, and scientists and researchers gathered second time in Budva.
Lecturers came from renowned European and world universities, and they spoke about radiobiology, radiochemistry, radiation physics, radiation in medicine, radioecology and many more.
You can find more information about the conference on following link http://rad2017.rad-conference.org/news.php
Chamber of Economy awarded most successful companies in 2016., on the ceremony that was held at Vila Gorica on 21 April 2017. Ceremony was held on the Day of Chamber, and awards were handed by president of Montenegro, Filip Vujanovic.
CETI won award for successful business in 2016, and in the name of CETI award received executive director Nada Medenica.
President of Montenegro congratulated to all laureates, recognized in this award their hard and successful work, and stated to continue hard work in the future and be good example for others to follow.
According to him 2016 was a year in which businesses operated and created economic growth of Montenegro, with increase of GDP by 2.5%, in globally and regionally unfavorable conditions.
President of the Chamber of Economy, Velimir Mijuskovic said that Award of this business association is most important and unique recognition in the field of economy, which dates as far back as 1969. Speaking about laureates president said that Center for Eco-Toxicological Research profiled into renowned expert internationally recognized laboratory. Respecting the highest standards of quality, which are used in business, CETI is carrier of many international projects. Achieved results by indicators that are defined as criteria for Award for successful business, show that CETI is company with exceptional perfomances.
CETI is very proud for this exceptional award which represents the crown of successful work in 20 years since the establishment of our institution. It is important because Chamber of Economy, as an oldest and largest business association in Montenegro, recognized quality and good result of CETI and awarded us this prestigious award for successful business. Award fills us with pleasure and commitment at the same time. It commits us to do our work of control and protection, professionally and responsibly with reliability and quality which are referent for all the institutions such as ours, in the EU.
Centre for Eco-Toxicological Research hosted IAEA expert mission, which was organized by Ministry of sustainable development and tourism within the cooperation with International atomic energy agency (IAEA).
Within the expert mission, CETI hosted a visit from mrs. Vasiliki Kamenopoulou, Technical officer on the national project MNE 9006 „Improvement of the regulatory infrastructure in the field of nuclear and radiation safety” and Tamara Djurovic – Head of Department for Air and Noise Protection in the Ministry for sustainable development and tourism.
Director of Sector for laboratory diagnostics and radiation protection, Danijela Sukovic, presented CETI as a institution, scope of activities and role of CETI in realization of monitoring programs and management of warehouse for radioactive waste.
Nikola Svrkota, Head of the unit for dosimetric and noise measurement, introduced the guests with equipment which CETI owns in the area of radiation protection and competency of units which deal with work in that area.
Ms. Tamara Djurovic informed everyone about the project and planned activities, while mrs. Kamenopoulou gave a short review about her task and obligations on this expert mission and in general on the project. Special attention was paid to the equipment requested through the project as well as technical specifications of equipment. Possibility for education of personnel through the project was presented, and large number of visits, trainings etc. which are foreseen in the project.
Ms. Kamenopoulou visited CETI Laboratory, as well as warehouse for radioactive waste, and expressed her pleasure regarding good cooperation between Ministry and CETI, and about all capacities of CETI.
Formal ceremony of the celebration 20 years since the establishment of Centre for ecotoxicological research – CETI was held at “Imanje Knjaz”.
In these 20 years, CETI is institution recognized, in the region and beyond, on its expert and reliable analyses. All these years CETI was able to justify the trust, gain and keep the status as a reliable partner to institutions in Montenegro and beyond, as well as to be one of the most important factors in the area of environment and food safety.
On the formal ceremony, minister of sustainable development and tourism Pavle Radulovic addressed the guests, along with executive director of CETI – Nada Medenica and president of the Board of directors Ana Misurovic. Among the guests there were present many officials from countries institutions, universities, business partners and friends of CETI.
During the formal ceremony there were read official greeting letters from prime minister and president of Montenegro, and officials from International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). Short movie about 20 years of CETI was shown, as well as performances of children from the choir of school for musical talents “Andre Navarra” and young talented guitarist Vedran Galicic.
After the formal ceremony of the celebration dinner was organized.
Interview director of Laboratory Danijela Sukovic, “Chemical leasing leads to cleaner production”, Glasnik – Chamber of commerce, page 70.
You can read interview on this link.